You’re Invited to Our Annual Farm to Table Benefit Dinner – July 23, 2016

By May 12, 2016May 3rd, 2024Archive

Please join us on Saturday July 23, 2016 for our annual Farm to Table Benefit Dinner in the fields of Katchkie Farm. Our dinner will feature seasonal and local ingredients and proceeds will benefit The Sylvia Center’s programs in Columbia County. We hope you will join us for this delicious night at the Farm!

Click here to RSVP

The Sylvia Center’s programs in Columbia County engage youth in every step of the story of food from seed to plate, showing them the joys of growing, preparing, and sharing fresh food together. We teach skills that inspire young people to establish independent healthy eating habits — so that they may lead healthy and productive lives.

Fresh Food Comes from the Farm: During the growing season, May through October, our students spend a full day observing the farm in operation and becoming farmers themselves in The Sylvia Center’s Learning Garden. A sensory tour introduces young people to the plants: they are encouraged to touch, smell, and taste. Later, they hoe, weed, dig, and harvest before moving to the outdoor learning kitchen to chop, mix, and cook their harvest into a healthy, delicious group lunch.

Seed to Plate: In the spring and fall, The Sylvia Center brings healthy cooking to schools, youth groups and afterschool programs throughout Columbia County, with a 6 week healthy cooking course that culminates with a day at the farm.

Proceeds from last summer’s dinner allowed us to provide nearly 1,500 young people and their families in Columbia County with our on-farm and community-based programs, including bus scholarships for hundreds of youth who would otherwise be unable to attend full-day programs.

This year, the proceeds will help us reach our goal of bringing 2,000 young people to the farm, while expanding the Seed to Plate program to more local schools and community centers.