9th Annual Latke Festival — the Best Yet!

By January 12, 2018May 3rd, 2024Archive

Over 600 people joined us on Monday, December 18th at the Brooklyn Museum for latkes, drinks, dessert and more! With live music and celebrity judges, this was our best Latke Festival event to date. We are proud to say that our very own students created a winning Latke and they were excited that their hard work paid off.

The proceeds from the 9th Annual Latke Festival at Brooklyn Museum raised funds for cooking programs in New York City that teach young people real skills in the kitchen — so that they can lead healthier lives and become advocates for healthy food in their own communities.

Keep your calendars open for next year’s Latke Festival on December 3, 2018 at the Brooklyn Museum. You can even sign up for first dibs on next year’s tickets, or sign up to volunteer at another Sylvia Center event.

Thank you to all of the sponsors, restaurants and donors who made this event spectacular — we couldn’t have done it without you!

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