Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation Grant Announcement

By August 10, 2016May 3rd, 2024Archive

We are proud to announce that we have received a grant from Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation to expand our education initiatives in Columbia County after school programs with our wonderful program partners starting this fall. Through the grant, we will be able to expand our Seed-to-Plate course, to include the Fresh Food Shares distribution project, which will give Columbia County students and their families access to fresh healthy ingredients and the skills to cook and eat well regularly and on a budget.

Over five years, this program will enable food-insecure families to take full advantage of increased access, and thus strengthen the local food system throughout the County by educating consumers on how to utilize local produce and by establishing new distribution channels that increase the flow of local and regional products that would otherwise go to waste. Learn more about Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation and the five-year Fresh and Healthy Food for All project here.