Celebrate #GivingTuesday

By November 27, 2018May 3rd, 2024Archive

It is #GivingTuesday and we are reaching out to our friends and family! Support our mission to improve the health of children and teens in New York City and Columbia County, one plate at a time.

A donation today to The Sylvia Center supports programs that inspire young people to take control of their health and well-being by cooking delicious meals and snacks. Our older students take what they’ve learned with us and share it within their own communities. Our students receive hands-on experiences – cooking instruction, nutrition education, and opportunities to work with professional chefs. Your support to our small, and growing nonprofit, goes a long way in building stronger, healthier communities. 

Help us raise $10K during our 2018 Holiday Challenge. Make a gift today!

Thank you for your support!