Intern Spotlight: Ashley Chong

By June 15, 2020May 3rd, 2024Archive

Ashley Chong is born and raised in Brooklyn, NY. She is 21 years old and will be starting her first year of graduate school at Hunter College this upcoming fall. She is continuing her study of Nutrition and Food Science to become a registered dietitian. Ashley enjoys trying out new recipes and baking. She considers herself a novice when it comes to cooking but in the midst of quarantine, she finds herself with more free time to practice in the kitchen. Ashley also loves to hang out with friends and try out new restaurants in the city.


1.How did you become interested in the field of dietetics? Why do you want to be a dietitian? 

I’ve always loved science, particularly biology and the human body. I became interested in the field of dietetics after taking a nutrition class in my senior year of high school. Dietetics might seem like something as simple as food, but I’ve learned that it’s a lot more than that. Food plays an important role in how our body and mind feels and it’s something that brings people together. I want to be a dietitian because I want to help myself and others learn how to eat healthy and delicious meals so that we may lead healthier lifestyles. I want people to feel good about food.

2. What do you want to learn at The Sylvia Center?

I want to learn effective methods of spreading nutrition education to different groups of people, ranging from to adults to children. I hope to help in impacting the youth in leading healthier lifestyles and diets. As a novice to cooking myself, I’ve also been learning culinary techniques and recipes to practice on my own so that’s been great and useful. 

3. What does food mean to you?

Food is something that nourishes and fuels the body and makes us feel good. It’s also something that brings people of different backgrounds together and perhaps bring new experiences.

4. What message do you want to tell young people about healthy eating? 

Healthy eating doesn’t mean you have to change the way you eat completely. It might involve making a few replacements or additions in your current diet, but you can still enjoy the foods that you love. 

5. What is your favorite recipe to make?

My favorite recipe to make is really simple and is actually my comfort food: stir-fried tomato and egg. My mom made it all the time for me as a kid and it’s perfect with a bowl of rice. First, you have to chop your tomatoes into bite sized wedges. Next, scramble the eggs until they’re about 80% cooked and take them out. Then, you’ll throw in your tomatoes and a little bit of salt, sugar, and ketchup and stir-fry it for 1-2 minutes. Add your eggs back in, mix it all up, and you’re done!