Spring Volunteer Kick-Off – June 4, 2016

By May 26, 2016May 3rd, 2024Archive

Calling all spring gardeners! Join us on June 4th from 10am-2pm at The Sylvia Center at Katchkie Farm for our spring volunteer kick-off! We’ll tour the beautiful Katchkie fields, get a close-up look at our sheep pastures and the chicken village, work to get the Learning Garden  ready for the growing season ahead, and prepare a light lunch together. You’ll learn more about our programs and volunteer opportunities. Come for all four hours, or for as long as you can!

Bring farm-ready footwear, your favorite sun hat, a water bottle, and gardening gloves, if you have them. Feel free to bring healthy snacks to share with others. A garden salad with seasonal produce will be served.

To sign up or for more information, please contact Julie Cerny at julie.cerny@sylviacenter.org.