Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

By August 7, 2020May 3rd, 2024Recipes

This is a simple and delicious strawberry and rhubarb jam recipe that is perfect to make during the summer time. With only 4 ingredients you will have fresh jam in no time! Slice up your strawberry and rhubarb, add sugar, a pinch of salt, and simmer. When your fruit disintegrates and becomes a thick jam, it is ready. Keep refrigerated in a jar for at least a month, or sterilize your jar and keep at room temperature for longer. Enjoy the jam on your favorite foods like toast and yogurt!

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam
Makes 1 ½ quarts



2 pounds,  Strawberries- hulled and sliced

1 ½ pounds, Rhubarb- sliced

3 Tablespoons,  Lemon Juice

1 ¾ cups, Sugar

Pinch of Salt



  1. Place sliced strawberries and sliced rhubarb into a pot.
  2. Add sugar, lemon juice and salt. Turn on heat to medium. 
  3. Let the mixture come to a rolling boil. After 10 minutes turn down to low heat and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Once jam is at desired thickness, pour into sterilized glass jars. Cool to room temperature then seal and place in the refrigerator. Will hold for up to a month.