Flatbread Recipe

By September 9, 2020May 3rd, 2024Recipes


Chef Tatiana shows us how to make an easy flatbread topped with delicious, in-season veggies! After making the dough, chef Tatiana roasts tomatoes, and grills zucchini. To make the sauce, combine greek yogurt, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. The greek yogurt is a great source of protein as well as adding creaminess to the recipe. To top off the recipe, add fresh herb paste for more flavor without having to add extra salt.

Flatbread Recipe
Serves 4 people 



2  cups unbleached white flour plus extra for dusting
1  tsp salt
½ tsp dried yeast
1 cup warm water
2 tbsp olive oil 


  1. Place the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl. Dissolve the yeast in the water and pour into the flour a bit at a time while mixing by hand. When all the water has been incorporated, add the olive oil and knead it in. Now transfer the dough to a floured surface and continue to knead well for about 5 minutes until the dough is no longer tacky, but soft, elastic and smooth. Add more flour a little at a time if it is too sticky. Set aside, covered by a cloth, to rest for an hour on the floured surface.
  2. About 20 minutes before you are ready to bake, preheat the oven to 450*F. Divide the dough into four and, on a very well floured surface, roll out each piece into a rough circle 3mm thick. Transfer to two large baking sheets that have been lightly floured. Put in the oven immediately and bake for 5-10 minutes until the bread is cooked. Each bread should partially bubble up and colour slightly, yet not be totally crisp.